Schlagwort-Archive: translation studies

Theatres of the Mind: What modelling and visualizing translation processes tell us about the power of comparison

Have you ever been wondering what actually happens when you translate a phrase from a foreign language into your own? It seems like a pretty straight-forward process, doesn’t it? You substitute the foreign words by their respective equivalent in your mother tongue and – voilà – you have achieved your goal. Of course, it is not that simple; the process of translation just described, i.e. a word-for-word or verbatim translation, is merely one of the many different manifestations of translation processes there are. Yet, all of these processes share a common feature across disciplines: due to its complex nature, translation is a topic met with reluctance. The inclination to vindicate the field and demonstrate its effectiveness is what Dr Civiliene pursues in her research at King’s College London. In her talk “Digital Humanities and the politics of comparison: translated, lived, lost(?)” she points out the significance of researching and understanding translation in context.

Theatres of the Mind: What modelling and visualizing translation processes tell us about the power of comparison weiterlesen